Sometimes I am a fool. Yes, just sometimes. A recent post I
made on Facebook proved that point. I carelessly tagged someone in linking to a
blog before I had even read the blog or considered the possible outcome of my
actions. After receiving a much-deserved rebuke, I removed the post and sought
forgiveness for my sinful actions. Forgiveness was graciously extended and I
was reminded of the beauty of Christlike character shining through a brother
and sister in Christ.
The issue was referring to one’s wife as “hot.” The blog
item by Barnabas Piper spelled out several reasons why this is not wise,
though the comments on my post and the blog were mixed on the issue. This
phrase seems to have been popularized lately by all of the seeker-sensitive
megachurch sermons on “Seven Days to Hotter Sex,” “Sexperiment” and the like.